Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Horrible Mother

Kaiya and Ronin both love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Kaiya says it's a tie for her favorite with My Little Pony and Invader Zim, but Ninja Turtles is still a little bit better. Little Britain and Doctor Who are up there in the top five as well.  Ronin can't pick a favorite because he likes everything, from Super Mario Brothers Super Show to Thomas and Friends.  Just not Doctor Who.  He likes to pretend he's a Dalek, but he's afraid of everything else on the show.

Anyway, they love Ninja Turtles.  Anytime the show comes on, they absolutely MUST jump around, dance, and practice their ninja skills.  If I don't intervene quickly, it's a sure thing that someone will get hurt.  Minor injuries are very common.

I let them watch some Netflix so that I could put my bed back together (that's a whole 'nother blog post) and heard the new rap-tacular theme song, but didn't say "oh crap" until it was too late and Kaiya was screaming.  She said she had been jumping around and "just fell" off the ottoman onto her face.  Since she was crying, her whole face was swollen and I couldn't tell what was happening.  We put a bag of frozen corn on her nose, which Tanith thought was hilarious.  My darling husband said there was no way it could be broken.

This is how she looked the next morning, Easter Sunday:

So I took her to the emergency room at our little town's new hospital.  Lovely place it is.  When asked about what happened, my Kaiya told the nurse and later the doctor, "Got into a fight with the floor.  The floor won."  She got to ride in a wheelchair and pretend she was Andy from Little Britain. It's broken, but already mostly healed and shouldn't make too much of a difference in her face.

 And here's what she looks like today:

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