Thursday, April 4, 2013

Are you a bad parent?

Are you a bad parent? Are you? Really? I find myself having these doubts almost daily.

Have you ever asked yourself that question? If you have, chances are that you're not. Bad parents don't doubt themselves. They march along, Marlboro Red in mouth and sippy cup full of Mountain Dew in one hand, yanking a child up by one arm with the other, while yelling something to the effect of, "just cuz you put yo' baby in a carseat don't mean you love them more'n I love my brat!" They are sure they're doing an awesome job.  They prop the baby's bottle of Pepsi in an infant seat so they can text about what a great job they're doing because they found out at the WIC office that their kid gained 10 pounds this month thanks to a steady diet of McNuggets and Cheetos.

If you've ever doubted whether you're doing a decent job, chances are you're awesome.  You care enough to put some thought into how you are raising your child/children.  You stop to consider how you will affect them. Stop beating yourself up because you're not a perfect parent and just take the time to enjoy being a good enough parent.  You don't have to be perfect.  I doubt your kids will remember the minor imperfections as long as you try.

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