Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why is she so happy?

My youngest child, Tanith, is such a happy baby.  People tell me I don't know how lucky I am.  Believe me, I earned it with two high needs babies.  She sleeps most of the night, usually barely waking once to nurse and then peacefully and immediately drifting back to sleep while snuggled next to me.  Sometimes she even sleeps all night.  She's done this since birth.  The other two never did this.  For the first year, Kaiya and Ronin were waking every two hours.  Kaiya still wakes and wanders into our room a few nights a week and she is five.

And that's not all she can do!  Tanith basically came out of the womb with a huge grin on her face.  When we pulled her out of the water, she was too busy investigating her surroundings to be bothered with crying.  When she wakes, it's always a good morning.  This morning, she woke up during a giggle fit.  My husband says that each child is a reflection of my mood during labor.  I was pressured to have my first child in a hospital (more on that later), and it was a miserable experience.  I was sad and scared, so Kaiya became my sensitive child.  Ronin's birth was very empowering, my first birth center experience, and I was all like, "I am woman, hear me roar".  And he does, several times a day.  I was almost angry during his birth, taking back my birth experience with Kaiya.  Last Halloween when Tanith came into the world, I was giddy with excitement.  I laughed between contractions, sang along with Hank Williams, and hummed peacefully during contractions.

If all babies were like Tanith, I'd be a tattooed Ma Duggar.

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