Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snowpocalypse 2014: The Preparations

We're supposed to be getting a bunch of snow here today.  I know a lot of you are saying, "What's her deal?  It's just snow!" But I live in a rural area of the south.  We don't get it often and our roads are usually bad.  I've never even seen a snowplow on our road. The hordes wander out to the nearest stores in search of milk and bread.  I needed meat, fruits, and cold medicine.

We've been learning about American heroes in social studies, such as John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Paul Revere, and a few more.  How are these related to the snow?  You'll see.  Kaiya was asked to tell some of the similarities and differences between these people, and her first response was. "Rosa Parks didn't go to the moon."

I had all 3 kids in a grocery cart today during our preparations for the upcoming snowpocalypse.  We had finally finished our lap of the grocery store and were in the line to check out.  The larger children were sitting on my grocery bags, so I asked them to stand up.  Kaiya said loudly, "Who do you think I am?  Rosa Parks?  I'm not giving up my seat for the white people!"  Tanith heard this, and being the two year old parrot, chimed in with, "No seat white people!" Ronin got the final word with, "Rosa Parks never walked on the mooooooon!"

And this is why we stay home.

Ronin's favorite fingers are the tall ones.

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